Saturday, October 23, 2010
For all my sexy Playboy Bunnies ;)
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Vampire Choker How-to:
Alright everyone, so as I promised here is the Vampire choker instructions. My apologies for this being VERY late, but I completely forgot about it because when I went to post it initially blogger was doing maintenance and it totally slipped my mind! So here it is!
(Click on the images to enlarge)
Alright so I'm going to try and make this as quick and easy as possible! Here are some pictures of the things I used to create the choker (missing the cream colored ribbon, and the sewing machine, fabric glue, and gems)
In this photo: White thread, measuring tape, black embellishments with diamonds crystal edges (I bought these at a fabulous fabric store in Vancouver called Dressew), velcro, elastic banding.
In this photo: Wide antique white bridal lace (this is common stuff I see often, I picked it up in the bridal section of my dollar store), ball tip pins, needles, burgundy seam binding (the red picture just shows the brand, width, length, and all that jazz, this is also very common, I picked this up from Fabricland), and scissors
In this photo: Hot glue gun!
The width of the lace I used, as you can see, was 6 inches wide. (For me only 4 inches was needed)
The entire length of my choker measured 15 inches. Leave extra so that you can adjust it on your neck and it is comfortable! Remember that the back wraps around and covers the velcro so you lose several inches right there :)
The length of the piece itself is only 10 inches, outside of the 10 inches is the elastic banding/velcro.
I trimmed my lace after I made the entire piece so that the fringe didn't go too far down my chest and sit weird. I trimmed it down to 4 inches.
Step 1:
The first thing I did was cut my lace. I used a fairly long piece of lace and then started to pleat it so that you could see about 1.25 - 1.5 inch pleats. This takes up quite a large amount of lace so I used more than I thought I needed (you can always cut more off later, but you can't add more on). To hold the pleats in place I secured each pleat with several ball point pins.
Step 2:
Once I had my pleats done, I cut a length of elastic banding that wrapped around my neck and had some wiggle room so I wasn't choking myself haha (for reference my neck is 10.5 inches) You want to cut the elastic band so that you have enough room on both sides to close over the velcro. I used extra room so that the velcro wouldn't come undone.
Step 3:
Take the needle and thread and begin stitching the elastic banding to the lace. I put the elastic in the very middle of my lace so that I got a kind of ruffled effect on both sides of the lace, kind of like a jesters neck ruff.
As you can see the stitching isn't perfect. My apologies for the makeup on the elastic, but since I wore this for Halloween the body makeup rubbed off on it.
Step 4:
The ribbon and seam binding. I took a 10 inch length of seam binding and used fabric clue to adhere it to a 10 inch piece of cream colored satin ribbon so that it would stand out against the lace. After that I attached it to the rest of the neck piece.
Step 5:
Embellishments! I had this brilliant idea that I was going to start a headband business and make fabulous headbands and the whole world would want them (HAH!) so I had all this stuff lying around. I had gone to a fantastic store in Vancouver called Dressew that sold all different kinds of fabrics and anything you need to make pretty much any sort of clothing piece. So I bought little cloth embellishments with crystals on them, I had them in white and black, but used the black because they are more gothic. I laid them out to look like a cross in the middle of the choker and then adhered them with hot glue. Then I took a tear drop shaped gem and put it in the center (roundest part facing down). I also had a ton of Martha Stewart scrapbooking self adhesive gems (that I picked up from Walmart) kicking around and placed 3 on each side equal-ish distances apart.
Step 6:
Step 7:
This is where I made my adjustments to the length of my choker. I wrapped it around my neck and trimmed it where it was too long (for me this was close to my collar bone). I trimmed 2 inches off the bottom and volia! A choker! I made two of them, and it really doesn't take all that long at all!! Super easy and quick, and really made everything come together I think! :)
Hope you enjoyed!! :)
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Calling All Sexy Vampires!
Hello all of you beautiful ladies, and possibly beautiful men!
So Halloween is quickly approaching and I couldn't be more excited. I've just filmed a tutorial for the makeup/costume that I wore for Halloween last year and I hope that my little tips and tricks will inspire you to add on to your Sexy (insert costume name here) Halloween Costume!
Below I will list all the products that I used for the tutorials in order of the videos (ie; Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)
But before that I will be adding information about my costume.
Last year I was a Volturi for Halloween, and incase you are unfamiliar with the term, it is essentially the "Vampire Royalty" from the Twilight saga. So instead of dressing like a "true" Volturi in deep black cloaks and attire, I wore burgundy so that even if people didn't know what a Volturi was, they'd still have a pretty good idea that I was a "sexy vampire" :)
I bought all of my costume pieces from eBay, except for the choker, which I made but will explain through steps.
The bustier/corset I wore was fantastic. This is still available on eBay, but since it is so close to Halloween the only point in posting the link is for viewing purposes.
Since red is a very traditional color for a corset it is fairly simple to throw together a quick "sexy vamp" costume!
The cloak I wore was my favorite part, and also the priciest piece. However, having searched for the items POST the release of New Moon, it has become apparent that everything I purchased PRE the release of New Moon has dropped significantly in price... so you can imagine my reaction. The following link is the exact same cloak that I bought. Although it is much less red in person and more of a red/burgundy shade.
The shorts I wore were black spandex cheerleading shorts, and although I wasn't able to find the listing again, these shorts are very easily duped.
The red boots that I wore, surprisingly are still on eBay. Well, the ones on eBay are shockingly close. The only difference is that there are no pom pom's on mine, but if you saw the tutorial, you'll know that these were a mistake I made and I wouldn't repurchase.
List of products used
Part One: Eye, face and body makeup
Covergirl TruBlend 405 ivory
Revlon Skinlights Pink Light 02
Stila Illuminating gold finishing powder
Don Post Corpse Grey
Covergirl TruBlend 405 ivory
Make Up For Ever HD Microfinishing powder
Lise Watier color corrector portfolio
Laura Mercier eye basics primer wheat
Sephora eyeshadow guard
Nars Zardoz
MAC Star Violet
Cle de Peau 108 Satin Eye Color
Smashbox #10 Brush
MAC Beauty Marked
MAC Trax
MAC Plum dressing
MAC Mylar
MAC Black Track
Lise Watier Amethyst Eye glitter
Quo 808 False Lashes
Quo 804 False Lashes
Covergirl Outlast lipstain 405
Covergirl Outlast lipstain 420
Maybelline Expert Eyes Kohl Liner Prune
Covergirl TruShine Currant Shine
Brushes used:
MAC 188 Brush
MAC 182 Kabuki
MAC 181s Kabuki
MAC 225 Brush
Concealer brush (Generic)
Paddle brush (Generic)
Smashbox #10
MAC 227
Sonia Kashiuk Arc Liner Brush
Smashbox #15
MAC 210
Part 2: Facial Contouring, Highlight and Sparkle
Charcoal brown
Laura Geller Liquid Candlelight
Jerome Body Glitter Silver and Gold (Not used on video but this is recommended for 2 tone sparkle)
MAC 224
MAC 225
MAC 182
Part 3: Katherine Pierce Vampire hair
(To see how I teased my hair prior to filming see Kim K inspired Hair Tutorial video under the YouTube section of my blog)
Osis + Dust it by Schwarzkopf
Danny Co Boar Bristle Teasing comb
Amika Clipless Iron (Triple Barrel Set, used 19mm 3/4" curling rod)
Redken Spray Starch (this stuff is amazing!!)
Goody brand hair pins
An ellipse shaped hair clip (I removed the backing and hot glued it to a halved hair comb clip)
So Halloween is quickly approaching and I couldn't be more excited. I've just filmed a tutorial for the makeup/costume that I wore for Halloween last year and I hope that my little tips and tricks will inspire you to add on to your Sexy (insert costume name here) Halloween Costume!
Below I will list all the products that I used for the tutorials in order of the videos (ie; Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)
But before that I will be adding information about my costume.
Last year I was a Volturi for Halloween, and incase you are unfamiliar with the term, it is essentially the "Vampire Royalty" from the Twilight saga. So instead of dressing like a "true" Volturi in deep black cloaks and attire, I wore burgundy so that even if people didn't know what a Volturi was, they'd still have a pretty good idea that I was a "sexy vampire" :)
The bustier/corset I wore was fantastic. This is still available on eBay, but since it is so close to Halloween the only point in posting the link is for viewing purposes.
Since red is a very traditional color for a corset it is fairly simple to throw together a quick "sexy vamp" costume!
The cloak I wore was my favorite part, and also the priciest piece. However, having searched for the items POST the release of New Moon, it has become apparent that everything I purchased PRE the release of New Moon has dropped significantly in price... so you can imagine my reaction. The following link is the exact same cloak that I bought. Although it is much less red in person and more of a red/burgundy shade.
The shorts I wore were black spandex cheerleading shorts, and although I wasn't able to find the listing again, these shorts are very easily duped.
The red boots that I wore, surprisingly are still on eBay. Well, the ones on eBay are shockingly close. The only difference is that there are no pom pom's on mine, but if you saw the tutorial, you'll know that these were a mistake I made and I wouldn't repurchase.
List of products used
Part One: Eye, face and body makeup
Covergirl TruBlend 405 ivory
Revlon Skinlights Pink Light 02
Stila Illuminating gold finishing powder
Don Post Corpse Grey
Covergirl TruBlend 405 ivory
Make Up For Ever HD Microfinishing powder
Lise Watier color corrector portfolio
Laura Mercier eye basics primer wheat
Sephora eyeshadow guard
Nars Zardoz
MAC Star Violet
Cle de Peau 108 Satin Eye Color
Smashbox #10 Brush
MAC Beauty Marked
MAC Trax
MAC Plum dressing
MAC Mylar
MAC Black Track
Lise Watier Amethyst Eye glitter
Quo 808 False Lashes
Quo 804 False Lashes
Covergirl Outlast lipstain 405
Covergirl Outlast lipstain 420
Maybelline Expert Eyes Kohl Liner Prune
Covergirl TruShine Currant Shine
Brushes used:
MAC 188 Brush
MAC 182 Kabuki
MAC 181s Kabuki
MAC 225 Brush
Concealer brush (Generic)
Paddle brush (Generic)
Smashbox #10
MAC 227
Sonia Kashiuk Arc Liner Brush
Smashbox #15
MAC 210
Part 2: Facial Contouring, Highlight and Sparkle
Charcoal brown
Laura Geller Liquid Candlelight
Jerome Body Glitter Silver and Gold (Not used on video but this is recommended for 2 tone sparkle)
MAC 224
MAC 225
MAC 182
Part 3: Katherine Pierce Vampire hair
(To see how I teased my hair prior to filming see Kim K inspired Hair Tutorial video under the YouTube section of my blog)
Osis + Dust it by Schwarzkopf
Danny Co Boar Bristle Teasing comb
Amika Clipless Iron (Triple Barrel Set, used 19mm 3/4" curling rod)
Redken Spray Starch (this stuff is amazing!!)
Goody brand hair pins
An ellipse shaped hair clip (I removed the backing and hot glued it to a halved hair comb clip)
Thursday, October 14, 2010
My MAC Eyeshadow Palettes
Hi all!
So I frequently get questions regarding my MAC palettes so I thought I would post some pictures of my palettes! I have a ton of eyeshadows that I still need to depot but to be honest I absolutely HATE buying palettes when I could buy something more fun... like another eyeshadow HAHA go figure. So while this is a huge majority of my palettes I do have a lot of other L.E. (Limited Edition) eyeshadows that have yet to be added. But I figured now is as good a time as any so here we go. I should preface by saying, my palettes aren't in fantastic condition, I have quite a few that I've had to repress because they've cracked or broken during travel haha so they look a little bit worn and rough around the edges. :P
Top Row left to right: Embark, Handwritten, Brown Down, Corduroy, Espresso, Charcoal Brown, Cork
Second Row left to right: Brown Script, Texture, Soft Brown, Tête-A-Tint, Omega, Soba
Third Row left to right: Honey Lust (broke this and had to re-press it), Amber lights, Bisque (re-pressed as well, this doesn't work well with matte shades, they will usually stay looking cracked), Era, Bamboo, Wedge, Grain
Last Row left to right: Show Stopper (like Bisque, this is a matte shade I re-pressed, and was left looking cracked), Romp, Orb, Kid
Top Row from left to right: Goldmine, Dark Soul (Pressed MAC Pigment), Aquadisiac, Shale, Pink Freeze
Middle Row from left to right: Gorgeous Gold, Sumptuous Olive, Steamy, Satellite Dreams, Sweet Lust
Bottom Row from left to right: Spring Up (Re-pressed, L.E.), Green Smoke, Shimmermoss, Tilt, Hush
I'm not going to lie, this palette doesn't get enough love. Some of the eyeshadows don't get used a lot so I don't really know how much I like them.
Some of my faves:
Sumptuous Olive looks amazing on the lower lashline, or mixed with brown shades. I particularly love blending this over woodwinked to give it a more olive brown tone. This has a really nice pearlized finish. Love it!
Shale this shade actually reminds me of a more mauve version of Satin Taupe, except that it isn't a frost, it's a velvet. This shade has a very fine sheen, not high shine, but a light glow if you will. Nevertheless it's a gorgeous shade.
So I frequently get questions regarding my MAC palettes so I thought I would post some pictures of my palettes! I have a ton of eyeshadows that I still need to depot but to be honest I absolutely HATE buying palettes when I could buy something more fun... like another eyeshadow HAHA go figure. So while this is a huge majority of my palettes I do have a lot of other L.E. (Limited Edition) eyeshadows that have yet to be added. But I figured now is as good a time as any so here we go. I should preface by saying, my palettes aren't in fantastic condition, I have quite a few that I've had to repress because they've cracked or broken during travel haha so they look a little bit worn and rough around the edges. :P
Neutral Shimmer Palette
(Click the image to enlarge)
(Click the image to enlarge)
Top Row left to right: Woodwinked (I had to re-press this after it broke and now has some Electra mixed in, unintentionally of course), Tempting, Bronze (this one I also re-pressed), Mulch, Sable
Middle Row left to right: Twillery (My absolute favorite MAC shadow from the 2005 Inventive Eyes quad), All That Glitters, Honesty, Patina, Knight Divine
Bottom Row left to right: Carbon, Typographic, Print, Smoke and Diamonds, Electra
So if you compared this palette next to all my other palettes I think that it would be pretty clear that this is my favorite! Inside I'm just a little girl obsessed with sparkle and this palette gives me what I love: Glitter!! Haha.
Some of my faves are:
Twillery (I have yet to find a dupe so I reserve this for the most special occasions) This is a gorgeous tan gold with gold shimmer. It a tan taupe version of Woodwinked, but it is more cool toned than warm.
Woodwinked, is a gorgeous warm, antiqued golden, bronzey shade with an intensely pigmented, creamy, finish. It provides the most gorgeous glowing sheen and metallic finish. This would be my favorite shadow from the permanent collection!
Bronze is a high shine, metallic, very deep brown bronze. It is stunning.
Sable, like Woodwinked, has a high shine finish. It is a plum brown that looks amazing on everyone!
All That Glitters is a gorgeous golden champagne, this is very pigmented, very high shine and gorgeous!
Patina this is a gorgeous taupey color with beautiful fine shimmer. This is supposed to be a frost, but to me it is like a satin shade with some very gorgeous teeny flecks of multi colored gold and pinky shimmer. This color is great all over the lid, or used to blend shadows out over the crease.
Print, this probably seems like an odd color to choose, especially since the theme of my favorites seems to be that they are intensely pearlized shades (to me this means that they provide a high sheen, metallic finish). Print however is a creamy charcoal gray shade. It is a satin eyeshadow that has a very fine shimmer, literally one speck here and there, until recently I thought the shimmer was just dust from my Honesty eyeshadow right above it, and to be honest (Ha ha) I'm still not convinced that it isn't! Nevertheless this is the creamiest, and smoothest of my gray/black shadows from MAC. The finish is not dull and powdery, but smooth, creamy and flawless!
Highlight Palette
(Click the image to enlarge)
Top Row left to right: Blanc Type, Brule, Vanilla, Vapour, Mylar
Middle Row left to right: Motif, Naked Lunch, Shroom, Phloof, Retrospeck
Bottom Row left to right: DreamMaker (L.E.), White Wheat (L.E.), Nylon, Rice Paper, Dazzlelight
This palette would definitely have to be my second favorite palette! I just love looking at it, the colors just scream sparkle to me. And although I have learned to love a matte eye, and even though I will more often than not prefer the look of a matte eyeshadow on myself, inside I can't help myself when I see a little eye bling!
Some of my faves from this palette are:
Blanc Type, this Matte² eyeshadow this looks nearly identical to both brule and vanilla in the pan but applied it is incredibly pigmented and creamy. It is definitely a matte shade but it is so creamy that it just blends and provides an incredible gradient effect to whatever color you used blended out of your crease. LOVE it!
Brule is a very fair flesh toned shade, much like Blanc type it is great for applying to the brow bone as a color to soften and blend your crease work. Although, it is much less pigmented than Blanc Type and a little more natural because it is not as light.
Vapour, This looks somewhat boring in the pan, it looks like a very light barely pinked white. But on the skin it has an amazing glow and a very very fine shimmer that just adds a piece of shimmer here and there that picks up the light, not like a glitter ball, but like you've been kissed by a fairy... yes, it looks like you've gotten a little fresh with Tinkerbell. Haha. I add this to the inner corner of my eye, and those little silver flecks of shimmer just add something angelic to my look. I love it.
Naked Lunch is another one of my favorites, although since this has a huge following, I'm sure no one is surprised! It is gorgeous on its own, as a highlight on the inner corner, under the lower lashline or directly under the brow!! Very multipurpose! It is a gorgeous light pink pearly shade that looks great on any skin tone!
White Wheat is another eyeshadow from the Inventive Eyes quad from 2005 (like Twillery from my Neutral Shimmer Palette). It is incredibly unfortunate that this shade is discontinued. The only thing that comes remotely close to this shade in my collection would be MAC Vanilla pigment, although that has some pink-ish tones, while this is purely a whitened gold, it has an intense pale barely gold iridescent shimmer. It is stunning.
Neutral Mattes Palette
(Click the image to enlarge)
(Click the image to enlarge)
Top Row left to right: Embark, Handwritten, Brown Down, Corduroy, Espresso, Charcoal Brown, Cork
Second Row left to right: Brown Script, Texture, Soft Brown, Tête-A-Tint, Omega, Soba
Third Row left to right: Honey Lust (broke this and had to re-press it), Amber lights, Bisque (re-pressed as well, this doesn't work well with matte shades, they will usually stay looking cracked), Era, Bamboo, Wedge, Grain
Last Row left to right: Show Stopper (like Bisque, this is a matte shade I re-pressed, and was left looking cracked), Romp, Orb, Kid
While this palette is definitely not my favourite, and nothing about it screams glamorous to me, this has actually started to take over market share in my collection. Since the colors are neutral, and shimmer free, I don't feel juvenile or out of place when I use this palette. I'm not happy about it, but unlike when I was a teenager, I can't put as many shimmer colors as I squeeze in, on my lid space anymore. I'm genuinely upset about this.
Some of my favorites from this palette are:
Corduroy, a regular dull looking brown, is transformed on the lid. It adds the perfect brown depth, and the perfect deep brown hue. Blends very nicely and can be used in the crease, on the lid, as a liner or smudged into the lash line... this is a very versatile color considering it doesn't look all that spectacular in the palette.
Charcoal brown is another boring color in the pan, but this soft cool toned brown actually packs quite the punch on its own or used to blend darker/lighter shades out!
Omega while I don't use this traditionally as an eyeshadow, I do use this to blend out crease work (love it for that!). I also use it in the crease on its own with a very minimal makeup look, just to make it look like my crease is extra defined without looking like I have any makeup on. This is a great shade for any form of natural looking contouring on skin tones close to mine!
Wedge and Kid like Omega are fantastic shades for blending out crease work. I like them both equally for this. I love love love them, but don't have many other purposes for them besides that.
Orb is a gorgeous natural brow highlight that is slightly peach toned so it really brightens and lifts the appearance of the brow. ADORE this color. It is newer to my collection so I will update this if I find other uses for this shade!
Red and Purple Palette
(Click the image to enlarge)
(Click the image to enlarge)
Top Row from left to right: Antiqued, Plum Dressing, Inventive (L.E.), Beauty Marked (re-pressed), Style Snob (L.E.)
Middle Row from left to right: Coppering, Cranberry, Sketch, Trax, Satin Taupe
Bottom Row from left to right: Expensive Pink, Star Violet, Twinks, (an eyeshadow I pressed from pigments and old eyeshadows), Velour (L.E.)
Some of my faves are:
Antiqued is a stunning deep burgundy, maroon, reddened metallic brown (can you tell I'm terrible at describing things haha), I absolutely adore this color in the crease!
Cranberry brings out the green in green and blue eyes, I adore this over a dark base to give a beautiful purple/plum toned glow.
Satin Taupe is amongst many people's favorites so I won't go on about this shade too much, but it is a beautiful mauve/purple taupe color. A lot of people describe this shade to be brown, but to me it seems nearly impossible to see that. This has a high shine pearlized finish.
Color Palette
(Click the image to enlarge)
(Click the image to enlarge)
Top Row from left to right: Goldmine, Dark Soul (Pressed MAC Pigment), Aquadisiac, Shale, Pink Freeze
Middle Row from left to right: Gorgeous Gold, Sumptuous Olive, Steamy, Satellite Dreams, Sweet Lust
Bottom Row from left to right: Spring Up (Re-pressed, L.E.), Green Smoke, Shimmermoss, Tilt, Hush
I'm not going to lie, this palette doesn't get enough love. Some of the eyeshadows don't get used a lot so I don't really know how much I like them.
Some of my faves:
Sumptuous Olive looks amazing on the lower lashline, or mixed with brown shades. I particularly love blending this over woodwinked to give it a more olive brown tone. This has a really nice pearlized finish. Love it!
Shale this shade actually reminds me of a more mauve version of Satin Taupe, except that it isn't a frost, it's a velvet. This shade has a very fine sheen, not high shine, but a light glow if you will. Nevertheless it's a gorgeous shade.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Foundation Routine AKA Putting My Face On
So as most of you who have come to my blog know, I had a poll up to see which video I should film next for youtube. Well it turns out my foundation routine won. I refer to this process as putting on my face, haha. And though when I think about my own foundation routine it seems dull, I can understand the curiosity since I ALWAYS want to know what other girls' foundation routines are haha!! I'm particularly jealous or curious about those girls that appear to be wearing nothing at all on their faces yet their skin is glowy and gorgeous, damn perfect specimens! Haha, so onto the goods!
Step 1 Moisturizer:
I take my favourite moisturizer, DDF's Moisture Dew, and slather that all over my face! This stuff is great, it gives me so much added moisture and it doesn't do anything bad to my skin. I love that this is so light, gets absorbed immediately and it is oil free!
Step 2 Eye cream:
I take my Clinique All About Eyes (gel formula) eye cream and apply that to under my eyes and on my lid! This cream is great because it can double as an eyeshadow base [because there's some silicone in it, Urban Decay Primer Potion is basically just silicone :) ], it is light, gets absorbed really nicely, creates a smooth finish for eyeshadows and doesn't cause any creasing, or gathering of my eyeshadows!! If you're going to use an eye cream before makeup application, I highly suggest this one because it isn't greasy like most other eye creams! (Although, this isn't the eye cream I use at night time).
Step 3 Primer:
At the moment I'm using a travel sized Make Up For Ever HD Primer (I have had the full sized version as well so I have given my skin enough time to see if this negatively affected it). While I do really like the moisture this primer gives my skin, I don't like that it doesn't give my foundation any added benefits. For example, it doesn't make it last any longer, I don't find, my pores are not reduced in size, and I wouldn't say it gives me a smoother canvas to work on. But like I said, I do really appreciate the added moisture it gives my skin, because my skin (especially on my cheeks) can dry out. I also really like that it is super light, and while it does have some silicone in it (I don't think it has very much) it doesn't feel like silicone, it is very moist and absorbs very well, and it doesn't cause my skin to break out like I have in the past from primers with silicone. Primers I did not like are Smashbox Photo Finish, and Photo Finish light, Stila Hydrating Primer, the Laura Geller spackle was just OK (made my skin kind of sticky). If you guys know any fabulous primers that are either silicone free, or really light in silicone I would LOVE to know what your faves are!!
Step 4 Foundation:
I switch my foundation up all the time, and sometimes use Dinair airbrush foundation when I'm not being lazy, but more often than not I will wear liquid foundation. At the moment I'm using Nars sheer glow in Barcelona. I really like the coverage (medium-full in my opinion) and I love the finish! It gives such a gorgeous glow (hence the name). I don't love that it doesn't come with a pump (I'll have to order one online :( ]. I use a MAC 131 Duo Fiber brush and I pull the foundation outwards starting in the middle of my face (my cheeks). And I will do crossing motions to smooth out any possible streaks!
Step 5 Concealer:

At the moment I'm using MAC's Studio Finish concealer in NC35 (although I would suggest an NW shade for under eyes to cancel out the blue/purple tones, and a cooler shade for blemishes to cancel out the redness). While I was away I wore the Make Up For Ever Full Cover concealer for a day and LOVED it! Unfortunately I forgot about it and never went to buy it and now I can't remember the shade I wore. So to apply my concealer I use a fluffy brush, I used the MAC 225, although this changes depending on which brush is closest and cleanest haha! I always use a fluffy brush for both my concealer on blemishes and under eyes. Why? Because it lightly diffuses the product, as opposed to some flat synthetic brush which can actually remove more product than it applies. If you feel you need extra coverage the best tools are your fingers to control how much concealer you need! :)
Step 6: Highlight
For highlight, and I don't do this all the time,
but I will take Yves Saint Laurent Touche Éclat in both 2 and 3 and I will apply these in different areas. I will take number 3 (because it is closer to my skin tone than number 2) and I will apply this right under my eyes. The peachy light reflective tone helps minimize the look of my purple under eye area. I'll take a fluffy brush and blend it into my skin and bring it into the inner corner of my nose where my skin is the most blue. With number 2 I will put this just on the inner corner of my eyes and blend that up into the inner corner of my nose/eyes as well. Sometimes I will apply this for a highlight under my brow, on my cheekbones and down the middle of my nose. Because this is an illuminating product and has light reflective properties, stay away from using products like these on blemishes because they will draw light to that area.
Step 7 Powder:

Lastly I'll take some form of finishing powder, my fave is MAC MSFN (or Mineralized Skin Finish Natural) in Medium Plus LOVES IT. When I want to look more matte I'll use Make Up For Ever's Microfinishing Powder (which is basically straight up silica). I buff this into my skin with a MAC 182 Kabuki brush (the most fabulous kabuki your face will ever have the pleasure of meeting). And finité!
Step 1 Moisturizer:
I take my favourite moisturizer, DDF's Moisture Dew, and slather that all over my face! This stuff is great, it gives me so much added moisture and it doesn't do anything bad to my skin. I love that this is so light, gets absorbed immediately and it is oil free!
Step 2 Eye cream:

Step 3 Primer:

Step 4 Foundation:

Step 5 Concealer:

At the moment I'm using MAC's Studio Finish concealer in NC35 (although I would suggest an NW shade for under eyes to cancel out the blue/purple tones, and a cooler shade for blemishes to cancel out the redness). While I was away I wore the Make Up For Ever Full Cover concealer for a day and LOVED it! Unfortunately I forgot about it and never went to buy it and now I can't remember the shade I wore. So to apply my concealer I use a fluffy brush, I used the MAC 225, although this changes depending on which brush is closest and cleanest haha! I always use a fluffy brush for both my concealer on blemishes and under eyes. Why? Because it lightly diffuses the product, as opposed to some flat synthetic brush which can actually remove more product than it applies. If you feel you need extra coverage the best tools are your fingers to control how much concealer you need! :)
Step 6: Highlight

Step 7 Powder:

Friday, October 1, 2010
Make Green Eyes Sparkle with Cranberry Shadow
Hi everyone!
So this is my first blog post, I figured now is as good a time as any to start making some blog posts! I just uploaded a cranberry eyeshadow tutorial to bring out green eyes. I think I'll do more of these videos for various eye colors! Let me know if that's something you guys would like to see! Below I'll have all the steps on how I achieved this look and skip to the end if you just want a list of the products I used. I'll have list of the products I applied to my face and lips as well even though this wasn't incorporated into the video for timing purposes!
Eyes (steps, list of products will be below):
Step 1:
I started off with my all time FAVORITE eyeshadow base:
Laura Mercier's Eye Basics in the color Wheat

Step 6: I used a shimmer purple from Coastal Scent's 88 Metal Mania palette (last row, 5 over from the right side, right next to the clip). I picked this up with a MAC 214 brush (which is a similar dense brush to the loved 239 brush, but it is thinner, more precise, and the hair's are shorter). I used this to place the purple color in the outer corner of my eye and into the crease. The color just adds a nice purple glow to the outer region of my eye, but could be omitted if you like.

Step 8: I picked up some Brule eyeshadow, which is a flesh tone beige color, with a MAC 219 pencil brush and highlighted my tear duct and inner 1/5 of my eye. I used the same color with a large MAC 227 paddle brush and highlighted under my eyebrow. This brush will also soften the edge of your shadow and refine the blending even more!
Step 9: Almost done! Haha. So at this point I take the same Coastal Scent's purple eyeshadow and I use it for a liner with Make Up For Ever's Eye Seal (a liquid which turns a powder shadow into a liquid liner), and Sonia Kashuk's Arc Liner brush. I put a couple drops of the Eye Seal into a dish and again pick up my shadow on my brush BEFORE wetting it, for the same reason as above. I line from the 2/5 of my eye outward, reserving the inner corner so as to not close off my eye. This doesn't add much more than a glossy, slightly more defined, upper lash line, because the color is so similar to that of the lid, so you could skip on this step if you wanted.
Step 10: I removed the shadow guard at this point and picked up some more of the MAC Cranberry and mixed it with MAC's Star Violet shadow and smudged it into my lower lash line with the 214 brush (not going into the tear duct though).

Step 12: Mascara and then eyes are done! I curled my lashes with Shu Uemeura's lash curler (MAC's lash curler is IDENTICAL). (I used two different mascara's, which will be clear why in my next video haha) I used Lancome Hypnose mascara on one eye, and CG's Lash Exact Fusion on the other.
Foundation: NARS Sheer Glow Foundation in Barcelona, applied with a MAC 131 brush and then MAC Mineralize Skin Finish Natural in Medium used to set foundation with a MAC 182 kabuki brush.
Bronzer: Tarte's Mineral Bronzing Powder in Park Ave Princess buffed into face with the same MAC 182 brush. I used the one with shimmer but a matte one is also available in the same color.
Cheeks: MAC Earth to Earth Mineralize Blush applied to apples with a MAC 108 Brush and then highlighted with MAC Shimpagne Mineralize Skin Finish which sadly is limited edition (my FAVE! Soft and Gentle MSF which is permanent is absolutely identical when swatted!) It is incredibly pigmented though, which is why I used a long haired duo fibre for a very light application!
Eyebrows: Filled in with MAC lingering mechanical brow pencil.
Lips: MAC Equality lipstick
Eye makeup:
Laura Mercier Eye Basics Wheat
NARS Cream shadow in Zardoz
MAC Cranberry
MAC Brule
MAC Star Violet
Coastal Scent's 88 Metal Mania Palette purple eyeshadow (Last row, 5 over from right side)
Make Up For Ever Eye Seal
MAC Fix +
Sephora Flashy Liner in Flashy Blue
Lancome Hypnose Mascara
Cover Girl Lash Exact Fusion Mascara
MAC Equality
Face products:
NARS Sheer Glow Foundation in Barcelona
MAC Mineralize Skin Finish in Medium Plus
Tarte Mineral Bronzing powder in Park Ave Princess
MAC Earth to Earth Mineralize blush
MAC Shimpagne Mineralize Skin Finish
Brushes (eye):
MAC 225
Quo Concealer brush
Walmart Large Shader Brush
MAC 214
MAC 219
MAC 224
MAC 227
Sonia Kashuk Arc Liner brush
Brushes (face):
MAC 131
MAC 188
MAC 108
MAC 182
Comment and let me know if you like when all the steps are written out or if you would just rather I only write down the product list! I thought I'd do both for my first blog post just to see how you guys felt about it! Also I have a poll going on at the moment and I'd love to know what you guys would like to see for my next video! I will do them in order of the numbers of votes if I get enough where I can determine places! :)
Hope you're all doing well, see you all in the next video or in the next post!
Love you all!
--K-A <3
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